Arm lift plastic surgery, Geelong

What is it?

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is aimed at tightening the loose skin of the upper arm. It is often required after significant weight loss. It may be performed in combination with other procedures in patients who have lost a lot of weight

Am I suitable?

An arm lift is suitable if you:

  • Are healthy and a non-smoker
  • Have reached a stable weight
  • Diet and exercise have left you with excess skin and fat.

At your first consultation with Mr McDonald your medical history will be discussed and a thorough clinical examination performed. He will then determine if it is appropriate for you to undergo such a procedure. Before and after photographs can be shown. A full discussion of the risks and complications will be undertaken. Mr McDonald will not agree to perform any cosmetic procedure unless he feels the benefits significantly outweigh the risks. Pre and post-operative photographs are taken.

The procedure

An arm lift involves removing redundant skin, and in some cases fat, from the upper arm. Liposuction may be used in conjunction with skin excision. The wounds extend from the armpit to the elbow. Sometimes the wound will extend down on to the upper chest. As the wound is predominantly on the inner arm, the scars are mostly hidden.

What can I expect if I have the procedure?

  • The operation itself takes approximately two hours.
  • A soft tubigrip stocking is applied at the end of the procedure.
  • If the operation is performed in isolation, it may be possible to go home on the same day if you feel comfortable.
  • Pain and discomfort are controlled with pain medications prescribed by Mr McDonald.
  • Your scars will be supported with tape for three months.
  • You can expect swelling, bruisingĀ and occasional numbness after the procedure.
  • You will require at approximately two weeks off work.
  • You can expect small areas of the wounds to take a little extra time to heal.

Follow up

We will keep in close contact with you after the operation and see you five to seven days after the surgery, then on an as needs basis weekly and then at three months. You can phone our rooms anytime and there is a recorded message after hours.


These may occur with any surgical procedure. These will be discussed in detail in your consultation with Mr McDonald. The risks of complications are greatly reduced if you are healthy, are a non-smoker, and are not overweight.