Breast augmentation, Geelong

What is it?

Breast augmentation is enlargement of the breasts with breast implants. Your choice to have this done could be because you have small breasts, or your breasts have shrunk or become saggy after weight loss, pregnancy or breast feeding.

Am I suitable?

Breast augmentation is an option for you if:

  • You have small breasts
  • Your breasts have changed or become saggy following weight loss, pregnancy and/or breast feeding
  • You are a non-smoker and in good health.

Your initial consultation will be with Mr McDonald who will:

  • Discuss your medical history and perform a thorough clinical examination
  • Have a full discussion with you about the risks and complications of the surgery
  • Perhaps show you photographs of other patients who have undergone breast augmentation
  • Not agree to perform any surgical procedure on you unless he feels the benefits significantly outweigh the risks.

You will be given written information to consider and should you wish to proceed you will return for a review consultation with Mr McDonald to choose your implants and further discuss the procedure. Implants vary in size and shape and Mr McDonald will guide you through the selection process. Pre and post-operative photos will be taken.

What can I expect if I have breast augmentation?

The breast enlargement operation is performed under general anaesthetic and takes one to two hours.

  • Expect an overnight stay in hospital, though sometimes patients can go home the same day.
  • There will be some post-operative swelling.
  • You will be required to wear a supportive bra for three months.
  • You will require one to two weeks off work – depending upon your occupation.
  • You will be limited to your level of activity for four to six weeks after your operation.

Silicone v saline breast implants

Much has been debated about silicone v saline-filled implants. Much of the adverse publicity regarding the safety of silicone implants has proven to be untrue and there is a large body of evidence to support the safety of silicone implants. This is particularly in regard to breast cancer and inflammatory disease. There have recently been reported cases of lymphoma in patients with textured implants. These cases are rare and to date implants have not been withdrawn from the market.

Overall, silicone implants have a much better feel as they are more likely to mimic normal breast tissue. The pros and cons can be discussed at greater length in your consultation with Mr McDonald.

Follow up

We will keep in close contact with you and see you in five days after the breast enhancement surgery, then weekly on a needs basis, at three months, and then annually. You can phone our rooms anytime and there is a recorded message for after-hours contact.


These may occur with any surgical procedure. The risks of complications are reduced if you are healthy and a non-smoker. These will be discussed in detail in your consultation with Mr McDonald.

Specifically with breast implants implanted during breast surgery, small numbers of patients may develop a tight scar around the implant (capsule). Very occasionally this may alter the shape of the breast. Very rarely, implants may rupture. The lifespan of breast implants may vary, however it is important to note that there are many patients who have had implants for many years without problems.

The aim of Mr Anthony McDonald and his team is to make your initial consultation and any subsequent appointments and treatment as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Any questions or concerns you have will be addressed with care and ensuring you fully understand the procedure you may have.

Breast surgery is not a procedure just for women. Mr Anthony McDonald also performs male breast reduction surgery.