Breast reduction, Geelong

What is it?

A breast reduction is an operation performed to reduce the size of one breast (to correct breast symmetry) or both breasts.

Am I suitable?

Breast reduction is an option for you if you:

  • Are a non-smoker
  • Are in reasonably good health with a body mass index (BMI) below 30
  • Have large breasts which create discomfort
  • Suffer neck/back/shoulder pain due to the size of your breasts
  • Have asymmetric breasts (one larger than the other).

Your initial consultation will be with Mr McDonald who will:

  • Discuss your medical history and perform a thorough clinical examination
  • Have a full discussion with you about the risks and complications of the surgery
  • Show photographs of patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery
  • Not agree to perform any surgical procedure on you unless he feels the benefits significantly outweigh the risks.

You will be given written information at your initial consultation and should you decide to proceed you will return to have further discussions with Mr McDonald and his practice nurse prior to your operation. Pre and post-operative photos also will be taken.

What can I expect if I have the procedure?

  • The operation takes two to three hours.
  • Expect a one to two-night stay in hospital.
  • You will need to wear a supportive bra without underwires for three months.
  • You will need help at home post-operatively.
  • Pain and discomfort are controlled with medication prescribed by Mr McDonald.
  • Your scars will be taped for three months.
  • You will require four weeks off work.
  • No driving for two to three weeks.

The procedure

There are different techniques, though in general an incision is made around the areola (the pink/coloured area around the nipple) and the nipple is moved higher. Another vertical incision is made below that which joins a curved scar passing in the breast fold, giving rise to an inverted T-shaped scar. The wounds are closed with dissolving sutures.

Follow up

We will keep in close contact with you and see you in five days after the surgery then on a needs basis weekly and then at three months. You can phone our rooms anytime and there is a recorded message for after-hours calls.


These may occur with any surgical procedure. These will be discussed in detail in your consultation with Mr McDonald. The risks of complications are reduced if you are healthy, are a non-smoker and not overweight.